Technically, I was incorrect when I said we are "getting rid" of the pink countertops. They are still there, but better stuff was laid over them! It is a pretty cool product, it is engineered granite and they just lay it right over the exisiting countertops. We have a pretty small kitchen so it took them about 7 hours to lay everything and 8-10 hours later you can dance on the countertops if you wanted to!!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
And a drum roll please!!!!
Technically, I was incorrect when I said we are "getting rid" of the pink countertops. They are still there, but better stuff was laid over them! It is a pretty cool product, it is engineered granite and they just lay it right over the exisiting countertops. We have a pretty small kitchen so it took them about 7 hours to lay everything and 8-10 hours later you can dance on the countertops if you wanted to!!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Walk through the Rose Gardens
Here is Liam stuffing his face with some blueberries! (his favorite)
Bye Bye Pink Countertops!!!
I never thought the day would come...I mean really, we had a house FULL of pink stuff, but slowly and surely the pink is disappearing from the house. Our latest pink victim is the kitchen countertops. The Asian lady that owned the house before us, was SOOOO proud of these countertops, I believe she told me in broken English that she tiled the countertops herself. Well, not as proud as I was to get rid of them....(I mean really, who picks out 2 x 2 light pink tiles?)
Now that I have you all excited...I haven't taken the AFTER shots, but it looks so much I just need to get rid of the pink floor in the kitchen...I should have some AFTER shots by tomorrow. The kitchen is still a mess we haven't put anything back on the countertops.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Uncle Brent and Lisa tackle Portland....
Brent and Lisa took Liam and Tyler to the park, of course they ran around like maniacs.
Labor Day Camping!!
Brent and Ryan enjoying a beer by the fire!
Liam and I with Mt Hood behind us (in the clouds)
Alex, Ryan, Me, Liam and Emmy!
Ryan and Liam taking a break at the top.
Too bad Mt Hood was behind the clouds, if it was a clear day we would have had a very clear view!
On the way back down Liam would not go in the baby carrier, he screamed, so I had to carry him in my arms on the way was on the back on the way up and baby was in my arms on way down...lets just say I was sore the very next day!
As always, Tyler had lots of fun!! Here he is on a short hike from our campsite to the Lake. He went everywhere with his "walking stick".